Tiesiera Online Financing Ford

Covid-19 has greatly affected in person visiting to our dealership in Tulare County, however this has not put a halt on any of the necessary tools for drivers to get behind the wheel of their favorite cars. Financing online can be done through our dealership’s website.

Our staff is readily available to answer questions and can be reached through our contact information on the right side of this page. Abstaining from visiting our dealership for the moment is the best choice, however the options for financing your next used or new vehicle remain the same.

Visitation of our dealership near Hanford is postponed for the moment, however for trade-ins, payment plans, and all things related to financing these can be accessed through our online features.

Buying or lease in particular can be a difficult decision and depends on a lot of factors so it is best to use as many online resources for financing on our site to determine the best method for your next vehicle. Through our service center online you can utilize the credit estimator, trade-in value estimates, get pre-approved, and decide if you want to buy or lease.

For all of our past customers the same dedication to your finance help can be found through the finance center. Ford is issuing a payment plan for customers affected by this ordeal with Coronavirus.

Financing and even payment relief are essential to our customers needs and Tiesiera Ford wants to provide all of these necessary tools while keeping our customers safe and healthy.